sistema de punto de venta

El mejor sistema para Punto de Venta en el mercado

sistema de punto de venta

Does not require

installation on PC

The system is Web so it does not require to install any program is configured and can start to invoice

sistema de punto de venta

Integrated to

Electronic bill

It is integrated natively with the FED platform for sending invoices and electronic tickets

sistema de punto de venta

Compatible con

Dispositivos móviles

Designed to be compatible with multiple platforms such as cell phones and tablets

sistema de punto de venta
sistema de punto de venta

• Inventory of products
• Manage user roles
• Purchases, sales and orders
• Multiple reports
• Cost control
• Label printing
• Import of CSV products

sistema de punto de venta

• Cash and card payments
• Products by expiration date
• Expiry date alert
• Printing of barcodes and labels
• Sale by price group
• Discounts and transportation charges
• Sales return

sistema de punto de venta

• Functionality for restaurants
• waiter y Bartender
• Reservation of Tables
• Assignment of tables by saloon
• Sent notifications by mail
• Display of orders in the kitchen
• Multi-currency

sistema de punto de venta

Servers in Microsoft Azure Technology