Something more than a mere computer without an event-based server

Accelerate and simplify application development with serverless computing

Develop more efficiently using Functions, an event-based serverless computing platform that can also solve complex orchestration problems. Compile and debug locally without any additional configuration, deploy and operate at scale in the cloud and integrate services through triggers and links.

Automated and flexible scaling based on workload volume, keeping the focus on adding value instead of infrastructure management

Integrated programming model based on triggers and links that help you respond to events and connect seamlessly to other services

End-to-end development experience, from compilation and debugging to implementation and supervision with integrated DevOps tools and functionalities

Different programming languages and hosting options; Always choose what is most convenient for each scenario and make adjustments quickly to meet your business needs

Improve your development experience from one extreme to another

Benefit from a complete development experience from end to end with Functions, from local compilation and debugging on major platforms, such as Windows, macOS and Linux, to cloud deployment and monitoring. Use Functions extensions and templates in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code to develop faster and more efficiently on your local machine, fully integrated with the complete Azure platform. Develop with your favorite code editor and Azure Functions Core Tools. Configure continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI / CD) with Azure Pipelines, and get smart and proactive information about the performance of applications in production with Azure Monitor.

Develop your way

Start coding immediately with the technology stack you already know and prefer, without learning any new language or framework. Choose the programming languages that you like most for each exclusive scenario, from Web services and APIs to automation scripts or Machine Learning workflows.

Connect to other services without rigidly coded integrations to develop faster solutions

Write only the code that is really important for your business. Save time in coding with a programming model based on triggers and links that allows your serverless applications to respond to events and connect seamlessly to other services. Compile applications based on more scalable and stable events with a microservice-oriented approach through Functions.

Simplify the resolution of complex orchestration challenges

The serverless functions are designed to be short-lived and stateless, until you need to solve problems with status. Remove this limitation in a fully managed way without provisioning more resources, just by coding the workflow definition. Simplify complex and stateless coordination requirements by programming in event-based applications with the Durable Functions extension. Use the functions also in declarative workflows that can use more than 250 connectors with Azure Logic Apps.

Choose the best hosting option for your application

Not all applications are the same, so a single hosting plan does not fit all. Choose the Functions plan that matches your business needs, from payment for executions in the cloud to perimeter computing on your IoT devices. Implement the same code in several destinations: in the cloud service, in the infrastructure, in Azure Stack or in Azure IoT Edge.

Create reliable serverless applications through integrated monitoring and security

  • Monitor and analyze code performance with Azure Application Insights. Identify bottlenecks and access points with errors in all components of your application using application maps with distributed Azure Monitor tracking.
  • Perform the application configuration with full control of access policies and audit history using Azure Key Vault, without changing the code.
  • Isolate networks by connecting the virtual network in the Functions Premium plan, to allow inbound traffic in a secure virtual network by restricting inbound traffic and defining application limitations.
    Configure managed identities at the service level to allow applications to easily access other resources protected by Azure Active Directory.
  • Grant access to your application through integrated authentication with Azure Active Directory, Microsoft account and external providers, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google.

Frequently asked questions about Functions

Functions offers different levels of compatibility with languages such as C #, JavaScript, F #, Java and Python.

Las aplicaciones de Functions en los planes de consumo y en los planes de App Service se ejecutarán o estarán disponibles el 99,95 % del tiempo.

Functions can be executed in different ways: Consumer plan, Azure App Service plan and Premium plan.

Avoid hard-coded access to other services, such as Azure Blog Storage and Azure Cosmos DB, through triggers and links. Triggers cause the execution of a function, while links are statements that connect the function to another resource.

Create and test functions on the local machine with the code editor and development tools of your choice. Connect local features to Azure services live and debug them on the local computer with the full Functions runtime environment. The requirements to develop functions in a local team depend on your preferred programming tools and languages.