How Power BI can improve your business
First of all that is Power BI, bueno is a set of tools that puts knowledge within everyone’s reach and gives us access to our data safely and quickly, generating great benefits for us and for our company. It is a predictive, intelligent and highly supported system, capable of translating data (simple or complex) into graphs, panels or reports for its qualities such as the graphic ability to present information, or the integration of Power Query: the extraction, transformation and loading engine (ETL) included in Excel.
Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics solution that allows you to join different data sources, analyze them and present an analysis of them through reports and dashboards. With Power BI, you have easy access to data inside and outside your organization on almost any device. These analyses can be shared by different users in the same organization; so managers, financiers, commercials, etc., can have the information of the business in real time.
Power BI features
It consists mainly of these components:
- Power BI Desktop: Free desktop app for transforming, visualizing, and reporting data.
- Power BI Service: Online service (SaaS) with functionality similar to the desktop application and allows you to publish reports and configure data refresh automatically so that the staff of the organization has the updated data.
- Power BI Mobile: Mobile app available for Windows, iOS, and Android to view reports and automatically updates with data changes.
Power BI data source
Power BI lets you connect to hundreds of data sources in the cloud or on-premises environment, creating reports with built-in objects or creating custom objects.
Access to data can be from an Excel table, Salesforce, Dynamic  CRM, Google Analytics, to complex databases (on-premise or in the cloud), information from  Azureservices, etc., which makes it easy to have all the information in a single visualization.
Power BI Create a data-driven culture with business intelligence for everyone
Enable everyone, at all levels of your organization, to make decisions with confidence using last-minute analysis.
Get self-service analytics at enterprise scale
Enable everyone, at all levels of your organization, to make decisions with confidence using last-minute analysis.
Use smart tools for solid results
Find and share meaningful insights with hundreds of data visualizations, built-in AI capabilities, seamless Excel integration, and pre-built, custom data connectors.
Help protect your analytics data
Keep your data protected with industry-leading data security capabilities such as confidentiality tagging, end-to-end encryption, and real-time access control.
What can Power BI do?
Power BI helps users see not only what happened in the past and what’s happening in the present, but also what might happen in the future. Power BI is steeped in machine learning capabilities, meaning you can detect patterns in the data and use those patterns to make informed predictions and run “what if” scenarios. These estimates allow users to generate forecasts and prepare to meet future demand and other key metrics.
You can integrate Power BI with other tools
Build end-to-end, effective business solutions by connecting Power BI with other Microsoft Power Platform products, as well as Microsoft 365, Â Dynamics 365, Â Azure, Â and hundreds of applications, to drive innovation across your organization.
Power Apps
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Connect with your data, wherever it is
Build end-to-end, powerful business solutions by connecting Power BI with other Microsoft Power Platform products, as well as Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Â Azure, Â and hundreds of applications, to drive innovation across your organization.
Prepare and model data with ease
Save time and make it easy to prepare your data with data modeling tools. Re-take back hours of your day with the Power Query self-service experience that millions of Excel users already know. Ingest, transform, integrate, and enrich data in Power BI.
Deliver advanced analytics with the familiarity of Office
Drill down into the data and find patterns you would otherwise overlook that lead to actionable insights. Use features such as Quick Actions, Grouping, Forecasting, and Clustering. Give power users full control over the model using the powerful DAX formula language. If you’re familiar with Office, you’ll feel right at home in Power BI.
Dig deeper into your data insights with augmented AI-based analytics
Explore your data, automatically look for patterns, understand the meaning of the data, and forecast future events to drive your business results. New AI capabilities, first introduced in Azure  and now available in Power BI, require no programming, enabling all Power BI users to discover hidden and useful insights and drive more strategic business outcomes.
Create custom interactive reports for your business
Create amazing reports with interactive data visualizations. Tell your story with data using a drag-and-drop canvas, and hundreds of modern data visuals,from Microsoft and its partners, or create your own using Power BI’s open-source custom visuals environment. Design your report with theme creation, formatting, and layout tools.
Present your creations to everyone anywhere
Provide visual analytics to users who need it. Create mobile-optimized reports for users to view on the go. Publish from Power BI Desktop to the cloud or on-premises. Embed reports created in Power BI Desktop into existing apps or websites.